What is Joyful Movement? How to Incorporate Intuitive Exercise

Written by: Hannah Thompson, RDN, LD, CPT

Ever wondered how exercise fits into an intuitive eating approach? Here’s how you can find movement that is joyful for you and doesn’t feel like punishment!

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You may have heard the phrase “joyful movement” before. It’s commonly used on social media in the intuitive eating space, body positivity space, and the like. In its simplest form, joyful movement is a way of approaching exercise that emphasizes pleasure rather than weight management.

Benefits of joyful movement

Health improvements

We’ve all heard that exercise is good for us, and this is generally true! Exercise can help improve mental health, promote better sleep, boost energy levels, and reduce risk of various chronic diseases.

However, if exercise is done solely as punishment for food choices or as a means to shrink our body, I wouldn’t qualify that movement as “healthy”.

Foster a positive relationship with exercise

Have you ever dreaded doing a workout? Or maybe felt super guilty if you missed a scheduled workout because you were tired or had other plans? Have you ever exercised just because you ate “badly” the day before? Or to “prepare” for a meal you were planning to eat later? These are all signs of a negative relationship with exercise.

When using movement as punishment or just doing it because you “should”, this takes away all the pleasure and joy that could come with that exercise. By finding joyful movement, you will be able to improve your relationship with exercise and with your body.

Consistency with exercise habits

Be honest - how likely are you to stick with an exercise routine if you despise the type of exercise that the plan calls for? By participating in exercise that you actually enjoy, you will be more likely to move your body more frequently.

How to find your joyful movement

Identify what would feel best

Are you in the mood to get your heart pumping and get sweaty? Or would you rather take it slow and participate in slower movement? The beauty of joyful movement is that you can choose whichever you would prefer.


There are so many different forms of exercise! Try different things and see what sparks joy for you.

  • Aerobic - walking, running, swimming, jumping rope, dancing

  • Strength - weight machines, dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands

  • Activity - sports, climbing, hiking, kayaking, etc.

Ease into it

If you are new to exercise, start slow. This will decrease your risk of injury and allow your body to adjust. Also remember to give yourself grace. It’s okay if you are having a hard time with this transition and learning what feels good for your body.

Make it convenient

Does driving to the gym every day just not fit within your schedule and lifestyle? Maybe you live far away from a gym or you are busy with kiddos? That’s fine - you don’t need to join a gym! Exercising at home is a great option for many, and you can even do it without any equipment. Yoga, bodyweight workouts, and walking are all great ways to move your body without any equipment.

It can also help to exercise whenever it best fits in your day. It doesn’t matter if you exercise early in the morning or late at night - just try to find time to move your body! Making it as convenient for yourself as possible with increase the likelihood of you incorporating some variation of movement.

Give yourself plenty of options

Maybe taking exercise classes at a local gym is your favorite way to exercise, but sometimes you just aren’t in the mood for that. Find what else you might enjoy! For example, I love lifting weights, but I also enjoy walking my dog and hiking. I am happiest when I can do any of those forms of movement and I am able to choose which one will feel the most joyful in the moment.

“Good enough” is perfect.

You got in a 5 minute walk today? Great! You played soccer in the yard with the kids? How fun! Even if your version of exercise doesn’t match what diet culture says “counts”, you are still moving your body and that matters much more than abiding by an arbitrary standard.

Consider safety

Depending on where you live, it may not be feasible to take walks outside. Or, maybe you receive uncomfortable stares and comments when you go to the gym. Consider what feels the safest for you if that means finding a better part of town to walk in or finding a more inclusive gym.

Lastly, I want to remind you that exercise is not a moral obligation. If you don’t like a certain type of movement or even exercising in general, that’s okay! While exercise can be a great way to promote health, there are various other health promoting behaviors you can participate in as well. Not to mention that it is always your decision if you want to pursue health. You don’t owe that to anybody!

Bottom line

Joyful movement is a great way to show your body some love. It’s a form of self care! Run, hike, lift weights, do yoga - whatever you enjoy is great! Just be sure that you are moving with the intent of having fun, not as punishment for what you ate.

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